Trailer : Dual Axle, 24’x8’x9′
Explosion Proof Overhead Lighting
Explosion Proof Exhaust Fan
Piping in Galvanized Steel and Schedule 80 PVC
Lourvered Vents 24″ x 24″
Control Panel
Air Sparge:

Elmo Rietschle C-DLR 250 Claw Compressor
Brand Rietschle
Max Pressure – 31.9 psi
Max Air Flow – 166 CFM
15 Way Manifold with Dwyer Flow Meters, Ball Valves and Pressure Gauges
Copper and Galvanized Steel Piping
Solberg Filtration
Heat Exchanger
Soil Vapor Extraction:
Gardner Denver 20 HP Rotary Lobe SVE Blower – 20 HP
Max 14″HG with Max 450 CFM
110 Gallon Knockout with Solberg Inlet Filtration, Level Switches, 9 Way SVE Manifold with Valves, Vacuum Gauges, Magnehelic Gauges and Sampling Ports
Gould 50 gpm – Transfer Pump, Dischage Bag Filter
Solberg Inlet Bleed with Valve
Control Panel